So much noise my mind bursts,
An eggshell
New-born to die.
My very being thirsts,
A silent oasis
At which to lie.

Into the cracks of my mind
The fumes begin to seep.
My sad soul cannot find
The tears,
It wants to weep.

A blind unthinking rush,
Tides suck me along.
Pummelled, hemmed in by the crush,
I disappear,
And all my rights are wrong.

This way leads blindly,
A vortex
To chaos and worse.
Tin-can city goes wildly
Under its curse.

The way is to cease and consider,
What is it we do?
We sell to the highest bidder,
The one
With the shortest view.

On a crash course to hell,
To the orbital rate.
From the bottom of my well
My eyes
See an unspeaking fate.

And think
With care
And then tell me,
We've not reached the brink.
Too late
For those who cannot see.

   Index   Copyright © 1969 Anson Norris